For the previous milestone, we conducted the culture probe and semi-structured follow-up interviews to better understand participants’ experience during shopping. We discovered that participants didn’t bother even though they can’t find something, and also they mentioned that they visited different stores on the same day just because they searched for different items at various stores.
At this point, our group is excited about these new discovers, bringing us specific points to develop. We brainstormed to come up with new design concepts and created plenty of criteria to evaluate. We certainly made sure that our target audience is still younger shoppers and focused our design on integrating with a cart. Still, there have some new questions that need to explore. How acceptable will users find a technology that relies on their shopping list? How comfortable will users sync their device with a cart? Which navigation method: proximity and the following list, is more acceptable?
Along with these questions, further research and experimentation are needed to find an answer. In the next step, we will use user enactments to better understand users’ behavior and attitudes towards experiences that our designs would provide them with, and discover the pain point user faced with our design.
Before starting to conduct our user enactments, we were interested in learning about the following research questions, which would definitely help us understand participant’s behaviors and attitudes and better design and experiment with user enactments:
Associated with these research questions mentioned above, our group first created a speed dating matrix to generate three main dimensions, which focused around the beginning (set-up), routine (weekly use before shopping), and deviation ( changes from norm routing) of our activities: signing into the cart, navigating the store with the cart and creating a digital list. Then, for better answering our research questions and shedding light on potential design opportunities, we chose five scenarios to simulate: creating a digital list before shopping; syncing a device with the cart when beginning to shopping and navigating in-store with the cart during shopping.
Before you go shopping, you must import your entire grocery list. You’re planning to go to Meijer and you know that they use the smart cart system, so you open the application and navigate to list creation. Using your phone please add the following items to your list: Bananas, Granola Bars and Lettuce. (Please let us know when you’re finished.)
You’ve just arrived at Meijer, and you know they just received the new SmartCarts Meijer recently deployed around Michigan. You see that they’re using QR codes to log in. Would you expect the cart to scan a QR code on your phone, or take a photo with your phone of the cart’s QR code? (hand them the proper prototype. Okay. Please do that now.)
When you look at the screen of SmartCarts, it shows the list of items that you are going to buy. Find the granola bar.
After you logged into your account, the shopping cart has synced with your list. The screen shows the list that you are planning to buy, and the shopping cart starts navigating each item automatically one by one based on the location of yourself from nearest to farthest. When you pick up the first item, the screen checks this item and begins the next navigation. Please look for the item closest to you.
You realized you forgot to add your favorite hot sauce to your list, and want to search for where it is in the store now.
After finishing user enactments, our group designed follow-up interview questions about participants’ behavior and thoughts of these activities, and their personal view of creating a list, navigation preference and choice of scan QR code.
Our group recruited five (5) participants to carry out these user enactments.
To analyze the results of user enactments, our group shared the notes, photos, insights we gathered from the activities and follow-up interviews we conducted individually. These participants shared their feeling and experience of taking each scenario.
After talking through different and similarity of gathered data, we started to use sticky notes to create an affinity wall to organize and keep track of each point. We found several key insights, some are shed light on our research questions and some give us a new design direction.
All points and ideas from user enactments and interview questions.After completing our analysis our team used the insights we gathered from the user enactments and iteratively applied them to previous and new designs to generate new ideas.
Next, we identified a set of criteria to evaluate our new set of design ideas.
Finally, we gave each design a score out of five for how well it met each criteria, and we generated a matrix to help evaluate the designs with one another.
Using this matrix as a starting point we discussed how to integrate the best ideas into one design. The full details of the final design are below in the “System Proposal” section, but we did have to discuss several trade offs before we decided on it.
We saw that many users thought that getting directions to items might be interesting or useful, but we learned that users want to remain in control of their path more than we thought. Sorting users’ lists combined with a birds-eye-view of the store seemed more valuable than getting directions to every list item.
Given this, we discussed what the best sorting order for lists would be. Simply sorting nearest to farthest like some users suggested is not guaranteed to be the most optimal route through the store. We realized our list sorting should align with the findings from Milestone 2, where we saw many shoppers traversing the store around its outside edges, so that we can give a helpful route.
Brainstorming on how to sort user listsMany users mentioned they would like, or expect, store coupons to be integrated into a system like this. One on hand, this is a positive aspect, because it’s an incentive for new users to use the system that they would quickly understand. On the other, we need to consider how to present coupons to users without users feeling like they are being bombarded with ads for their whole shopping trip. For now, our team decided to identify coupons with different marks on the user’s map so they can see the details of the coupon only if they’re interested.
We’re proposing an interconnected system of QR codes, Bluetooth beacons, and a smartphone app. We believe all the necessary technology to create this system already exists.
Bluetooth beacons throughout the grocery store can work together with a beacon on a grocery cart to communicate to users where they and everything on their list is in the store. It can all be displayed for them on their smartphone.
Users will have two main views: their list and the birds-eye-view of the store.
The list will be sorted in such a way as to help users navigate quickly from the entrance of the store to the checkout lines. This sorting method will closely follow the general flow shoppers already take through a particular store. Users will be able to check list items off themselves.
The birds-eye-view will show a map of the store with the user’s location as well as the location of all the items on their list. Navigating to the items will be up to the user, but they will also have the option to tap an item on their list or marker on the map for directions to it. This is also where coupons will be integrated, and users can see which of their list items are on sale that day.
Our demo will consist of a combination of physical prototypes and an interactive smartphone application prototype.
Our demo will include the following steps:
At a high level our demo will simulate a short shopping trip a user would go on when using the SmartCart. They will approach the cart, scan its code to sync their device, and go search for a few items.
We plan on using the Wizard of Oz method to help support our demo. This is because of the limits imposed by building our smartphone interface prototype with Invision. By using Invision we can bring a high-quality experience to the users in our demo with regard to the smartphone interface, but we lose the ability to directly relate actions the user takes in the physical world to how the interface behaves. Therefore, we will have to use Wizard of Oz to manage changing the SmartCart’s LED light and what the user sees in the smartphone app.
Overall, we believe that by simulating much of the Bluetooth technology we can bring a realistic experience to users for the other pieces of the demo.
At this point we have refined our design down to a specific system based on what we learned from our user enactments and previous milestones. We also identified the user’s interaction methods with the system and how it will fit into our audience’s grocery shopping routine. However, there are still details we need to decide on for the next milestone. Details of the mobile application interface still need to be finalized. Additionally, we need to design something to house the Adafruit microcontroller for our demo, as well as implement the mobile application’s interactive prototype.